quality of life

Love Letter to my Body

Love Letter to my Body

How can you love your body post-cancer? 

With Practice and Patience. 

Self-love is not something that magically grows within me. It does not come easily and it is not permanent. Yet, our society treats it as if it is as natural as breathing rather than a skill that can be learned and strengthened.

Towards the end of my cancer treatment, I wrote this love/apology letter to my body, and I found that it healed me more than any medication. 

Cancer- The Catalyst for my Gratitude Practice

Cancer- The Catalyst for my Gratitude Practice

Tomorrow marks one of my favorite holidays in the United States, Thanksgiving. It is a non-denominational holiday that revolves around the celebration and tradition rooted in the first Thanksgiving dinner- a time when Native Americans and Pilgrims came together to break bread, celebrate harvest and connect, despite any perceived differences. 

Thanksgiving provides us a yearly opportunity to recognize those things for which we are grateful. For me, one of those things has been cancer. OK, maybe not cancer itself, but my experience with cancer. I am absolutely grateful for it. How cancer became the catalyst for me to make the connection between a joyful life and practicing gratitude.