Ovarian cancer awareness

Ovarian Cancer Grad- Amy

Ovarian Cancer Grad- Amy

“Cancer forces you to face your mortality, and especially after ovarian, that feeling is heightened. However, it’s important to look past the statistics, talk to long-term survivors (they are out there), and just live life as fully as possible.”

Ovarian Cancer Grad- Sherry

Ovarian Cancer Grad- Sherry

I wish that more people understood how dangerous OVCA is. That is has a frighteningly high recurrence rate, and that there is NO FORMAL DIAGNOSTIC TEST. A Pap smear tests for cervical cancer, not ovarian. Because of this, you have to stay extra vigilant. If you feel off, ask your doctor for a transvaginal ultrasound. If you still feel off, ask them for a CA-125.

Ovarian Cancer Grad- Jenny

Ovarian Cancer Grad- Jenny

After hearing the word "cancer" I asked, "Will I die if I have cancer?" She replied, "No. Some of my patients are almost done with their treatment, and there are others just about to start". 

Ovarian Cancer Grad- Jennifer

Ovarian Cancer Grad- Jennifer

"I wish more people were aware that there is more than one type of ovarian cancer. The cancer I had behaved very differently than the cancer postmenopausal women get, and has very different outcomes. And yes, I can still have kids (definitely the most-asked question when I tell someone I had ovarian cancer). I also wish more people were aware of how important it is to advocate for your own health, not just for ovarian cancer or even any cancer, but for life in general."